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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Unselfish Shellfish | Ep. 198 | Circle Round - WBUR News

Author, poet, and playwright Oscar Wilde once said: “Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot.”

"Ordinary riches" are things you can buy with money - like jewels, cars, and fancy cloths. And riches like that could be taken away. But "real riches" are the ones that can't be taken, because they're what you have on the inside: things like kindness, honesty, and compassion.

And as we'll hear in today's story, those riches are truly pricelesss!

Our story is called “The Unselfish Shellfish.” Versions of this tale come from Indonesia: a country consisting of thousands of islands that lie between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Voices in this episode include Ryan Dalusung, Jessica Rau, Erika Rose, Eric Bauza, and Harry Shum Jr.

Eric Bauza is one of Mel Blanc’s successors as the voice of Looney Tunes characters like Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird, and Daffy Duck. Eric does a ton of other voices too, including Fozzie Bear in Muppet Babies and the Beagle Boys in DuckTales.

Watch for Harry Shum Jr. in Grey’s Anatomy season 19, which returns to ABC for its mid-season premiere on February 23rd. Harry can also be heard starring in the grown-up mystery podcast Echo Park, and seen in the Oscar-nominated film Everything Everywhere All At Once. Coming up, Harry will reprise his role of Charlie Wu in the much-anticipated spinoff of Crazy Rich Asians.

This episode was adapted for Circle Round by Rebecca Sheir. It was edited by Nora Saks. Original music and sound design is by Eric Shimelonis. Our artist is Sabina Hahn.

Coloring Page

(Sabina Hahn for WBUR)
(Sabina Hahn for WBUR)

ADULTS! PRINT THIS so everyone can color while listening. We’re also keeping an album so share your picture on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and tag it with #CircleRound. We'd love to see it! To access all the coloring pages for past episodes, click HERE. Our resident artist is Sabina Hahn and you can learn more about her HERE.

Things To Think About After Listening

As we heard in today’s story, when we respect nature, everybody wins. What are three ways you can show love and care for the environment?

Maybe you can recycle items like glass and plastic and paper. Maybe you can turn off the lights when you’re not using them, or turn off the water when you’re brushing your teeth. Perhaps you can bring reusable bags to the grocery store, or donate your outgrown clothing and toys.

Find a grown-up and make a list of three eco-friendly things you can do. Draw a picture of yourself doing these tasks then hang the picture somewhere you can see it, to remind yourself how easy – and rewarding – it can be to show a little love to our planet!

Musical Spotlight: Gamelan

Predating the arrival of Buddhism and Hinduism to Indonesia, gamelan is an ancient indigenous music tradition. (Courtesy of Mindy McAdams)
Predating the arrival of Buddhism and Hinduism to Indonesia, gamelan is an ancient indigenous music tradition. (Courtesy of Mindy McAdams)

Composed mainly of percussion instruments, gamelan is the traditional ensemble music of the Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese peoples of Indonesia.​​

The word gamelan (also spelled gamelang or gamelin) comes from the Javanese word gamel (ꦒꦩꦼꦭ꧀), which translates as playing percussion instruments or striking something with a mallet. The gamelan in Sundanese is Degung, which refers to gongs and gong ensembles; thus the words degung and gong are considered synonymous with the word gamelan.

The most common gamelan instruments are membranophones – or members of the drum family – and idiophones, or instruments that produce a pitch when struck with a mallet, such as the xylophone and gong. The idiophones in gamelan are further classified into the subfamily of metallophones, since all the melodic keyboard instruments are made of metal.

Gamelan ensembles do not have set instrumentation and may include instruments of other families, including strings, flutes, and singers. Depending on the style, a gamelan ensemble size can range from four to fifty performers!


NARRATOR: In a snug little house in the middle of an island, there lived a farmer and his daughter. The farmer and his daughter worked hard, but times were even harder. And before long they found themselves scratching and scraping to get by.

DAUGHTER: Father, I’ve searched the kitchen high and low and all I can find is one last cup of rice!

FARMER: Just one cup of rice? How are we going to survive?

DAUGHTER: Well, obviously farming hasn’t been supporting us very well. So what if we tried some other line of work?

FARMER: Something other than farming? What do you have in mind?

DAUGHTER: Well, back at school I had a friend whose father was an oysterman; he harvested oysters by the sea. He’d go out to the seaside when the tide was low, then he would dig up oysters from the sand – or collect them from the rocky caves by the water’s edge. From what I recall, he made a pretty good living! So maybe you and I could go to the seaside and harvest oysters, too! Then we’ll either eat them or sell them at the market!

FARMER: That’s a very clever idea, Daughter! But I must go to the seaside alone.

DAUGHTER: How come?

FARMER: Because it’s too dangerous! You know how temperamental The Queen of the South Sea can be! She rules all the waters surrounding this island. And if you get on her bad side, you’d better watch out! She’ll create waves that are stronger and fiercer than anything you can imagine! She’ll swallow you right up!

DAUGHTER: But if you get on her good side, she’ll keep you safe, right?

FATHER: Yes… but to get on her good side you must bring her a gift. An offering of peace in exchange for your safety. And look around you, Daughter! What could we possibly offer the Queen of the South Sea? You and I have nothing!

DAUGHTER: Well, not exactly nothing

NARRATOR: The farmer’s daughter took out their last cup of rice.

DAUGHTER: You may go to the seaside alone, but you must bring this rice. We’ll cook it up, then you can leave it as an offering on the beach.

FARMER: But Daughter! If I take this rice, you will have nothing to eat!

DAUGHTER: I’ll manage, Father. And here.

NARRATOR: She untied a colorful scarf from her hair.

DAUGHTER: Wrap the rice in this scarf, then offer that to the Queen, too. We don’t have a fancy silver platter or anything, so this will have to do.

FARMER: You know I can’t do that, Daughter! That’s your favorite scarf in the world!

DAUGHTER: And you’re my favorite person in the world! I believe in you, Father.

FARMER: And I believe in you, Daughter. Thank you.

NARRATOR: The farmer and his daughter cooked up the rice and wrapped it in the scarf. Then the farmer packed the offering in his knapsack and set off down the long road to the sea.

His stomach grumbled as he walked – but he knew better than to reach inside his knapsack and eat the rice. It was intended for the Queen; he just hoped she would be pleased with such a modest gift.

Soon it began to rain. And when the farmer reached the seaside, he was approached by a well-dressed fellow carrying a shiny leather satchel and a wide umbrella.

TRADER: Well hello there! Have you come to harvest oysters?

FARMER: Uh, yes! I’ve come to harvest oysters! It’s my very first time.

TRADER: Mine too! I heard there’s a lot of money in this business, so I simply couldn't resist. You see, I’m a trader by profession, and I’m always looking for new ways to trade goods and rake it in! But for now? I’m gonna break for a snack.

NARRATOR: The trader opened his satchel. The moment he did, scrumptious smells wafted out from inside.

TRADER: This morning my son sent me off with all these delectable foods! Fresh-baked bread, roasted chicken, ripe bananas…

NARRATOR: The farmer peered into the satchel and took a whiff.

FARMER: Mmmm! Your son is quite the cook!

TRADER: Well, to be honest, he told me I shouldn’t actually eat this food. He said something about offering it to the Queen of the South Sea…? But come on! I’m a working man! And a working man has gotta eat!

NARRATOR: The trader pulled out a hunk of bread and shoved it in his mouth.

TRADER: Mmmm! This is so good! So good!!!!

NARRATOR: The trader proceeded to stuff his face with all of the bread, chicken, and bananas his son had packed. Before long, all that remained was a smattering of crumbs and a mess of chicken bones and banana peels, which the trader carelessly dumped on the wet sand.

The farmer, meanwhile, was hungrier than ever – but he knew what he had to do. He left the trader and walked to the water’s edge. Then he reached into his knapsack, took out the rice in the scarf, and held it out toward the sea.

FARMER: Oh, Queen of the South Sea! This humble offering is for you! I know it isn’t much, but times have been hard and it’s the best I can do. May it be to your liking, and may you grant me safety along these shores.

NARRATOR: The farmer placed the offering on the beach. Then he turned  toward the rocky caves tucked along the water’s edge.

FARMER: My daughter said her friend’s father found oysters inside these caves. I’ll head inside one to see what I can find – and to take shelter from this rain!

NARRATOR: As the farmer climbed into a craggy cavern and looked around, what should he spy but a heaping pile of oysters!

FARMER: My goodness! Look at all these oysters! And such big ones, too! Each one is the size of my shoe! I will gather them, but I won’t sell them. I will bring them home to my daughter. She must be starving by now!

QUEEN: Yes, good farmer! Bring the oysters home! To your daughter!

NARRATOR: The farmer gasped and swiveled his head around. As far as he could see, he was all alone.

But as he would soon learn, he wasn’t alone at all.

Someone had been watching his every move… and was about to change his fortune in an almighty way!

[theme music in]

NARRATOR: Who do you think spoke just now? And how will they change the farmer’s fortune?

We’ll find out, after a quick break.

[theme music out]


[theme music in]

NARRATOR: Welcome back to Circle Round. I’m Rebecca Sheir. Today our story is called “The Unselfish Shellfish.”

[theme music out]

NARRATOR: Before the break, a poor, hungry farmer made a humble offering to the Queen of the South Sea. Then, just as he discovered a heap of oysters inside a cave by the water’s edge, he heard a mysterious voice call out to him.

FARMER: Who was it that spoke to me just now?!? I don’t see anyone else in this cave!

QUEEN: It is I! The Queen of the South Sea, calling out to you from the waters!

FARMER: The Queen of the South Sea!?!!

NARRATOR: The farmer dropped to his knees.

FARMER: Oh, great and mighty Queen! I am honored! But why are you calling out to me?

QUEEN: Because you called out to me! I heard your plea, good farmer… and I saw your humble offering. You gave me your last bit of rice – and your daughter’s favorite scarf! You have shown true sacrifice. So please… take the oysters. Consider them your reward.

NARRATOR: And with that, the cave went silent.

Without wasting a minute, the farmer stuffed his knapsack full of oysters, then began the long walk back to his snug little house… where, unbeknownst to him… his daughter was worried sick.

DAUGHTER: Oh, it’s getting so late! And Father isn’t home yet! I hope he’s safe!

NARRATOR: She went to the window and gazed toward the distant sea on the horizon.

DAUGHTER: Oh, great and mighty Queen of the South Sea! If you can hear me, please – let me see my father again! I don’t care if he comes home with any oysters. Just please bring him back to me safe and sound! Please!

NARRATOR: Now… it just so happens that in yet another spot on the island, someone else was wondering about their father, too. It was the trader’s son – the same fellow who had packed up all the delicious bread, chicken, and bananas as a peace offering for the Queen of the South Sea.

SON: Where on earth is Father? The plan was for him to come home with the oysters, then I would take them to the market to trade – for something even better! So I could help us make a fortune!

NARRATOR: He turned his eyes toward the clock.

SON: Uch! Well so much for our plan! The market is about to close! (beat) But good thing I gave Father all that food for The Queen of the South Sea this morning! (with pomp and self-importance, more so than sincere prayer) May she give us a fortune as great as my father’s offering was!

NARRATOR: Now, we know the truth about the trader’s “offering,” right?

He hadn't actually “offered” it to the Queen at all!

Instead, what did he do?

That’s right! He ate it all up! And left nothing but bread crumbs and chicken bones and banana peels scattered on the beach!

But the trader’s son had no idea! He also had no idea that when the trader was done with his feast, he didn’t even collect any oysters! Instead, he was so groggy from his feast that he had taken shelter in one of the seaside caves and fallen fast asleep!

TRADER: (sleeping sounds)

NARRATOR: As the trader dozed, the drizzle of the rain outside turned into a downpour. Thunder rumbled, and streaks of lightning lit up the sky. The waves on the sea grew stronger and stronger, and higher and higher. But the trader slept right through it – until a colossal whitecap came crashing into his cave and jolted him awake!

TRADER: (Gasp!) What’s happening?

NARRATOR: The trader leaped to his feet and clawed at the cave’s walls, trying to escape the rising water.

TRADER: Oh no, oh no! Somebody help me! Help me!

QUEEN: Help you…?!??? And why should anyone help you?

NARRATOR: The trader flicked his head round in fear.

TRADER: Who are you??? Who said that??

QUEEN: It is I! The Queen of the South Sea, calling out to you from the waters!

And you are nothing but a greedy glutton who devoured the offering that was meant for me! Why did you do it? Why???

NARRATOR: The trader felt a knot tighten in his stomach.

TRADER: Oh, Queen of the South Sea! I can explain everything - I can! You see, I ate all that food because I was hungry! And truth be told, I didn’t even know you were real! Please forgive me! Have some pity!

QUEEN: You deserve neither forgiveness nor pity! However… I have heard the words of your son; he called out to me and made a little prayer.

TRADER: He did?!?

QUEEN: He did! I listened to his words, and have decided I will answer his prayer. Now go back home, and I promise: you will have everything your son asked for.

NARRATOR: And with that, the sea calmed and the trader clambered out of the cave, breathless with excitement about whatever great fortune his son’s prayer would bring.

TRADER: That son of mine is one smart cookie – so surely he prayed for something fine! A boatload of money, perhaps? Or a new house? One even grander and more spacious than the abode we already have?

NARRATOR: But as the trader neared his ‘grand and spacious abode,’ he was surprised to see his son come running toward him, with his eyes full of tears.

TRADER: My son! Why are you crying? Oh! Let me guess! They are tears of joy! Because the Queen of the South Sea has brought us great fortune!

SON: No, Father! Quite the opposite! Our house has been flooded! And the rushing waters have carried all of our belongings away!

TRADER: I don’t understand! The Queen of the South Sea said she would answer your prayer! And give us what you asked for! Did you wish for us to be struck by disaster

SON: Of course I didn’t!

NARRATOR: The young man sniffed and wiped his eyes.

SON: I wished for her to bring us a fortune as great as the offering you gave her!

NARRATOR: The trader froze. His blood ran cold. The offering! Of course!

His son had no way of knowing that he didn’t give the Queen a “great offering” at all! Instead, he devoured all the food and left nothing but crumbs and bones and banana peels. It was a most unfortunate offering… hence his misfortune now.

Well, while the trader felt his heart flood with regret, elsewhere on the island the Farmer was all smiles as he returned to his snug little house. When he stepped through the door, his daughter ran into his arms.

DAUGHTER: Father! You’re back! I was so worried that I called out to the Queen of the South Sea, and asked her to bring you home safely! She must have listened!

FARMER: Oh, she did more than that, my dear. Take a look!

NARRATOR: The farmer threw open his knapsack. His daughter let out a gasp.

DAUGHTER: My goodness! So many oysters! And so huge! Each one is the size of your shoe!

FARMER: That’s what I said! What do you say we open one up and have a taste?

DAUGHTER: Yes, please!

NARRATOR: So they picked up an oyster and pried open its shell. But when they looked inside…


NARRATOR: …they found a wonderful surprise: a bright, glistening pearl!


NARRATOR: The farmer and his daughter opened another oyster…


NARRATOR: …and another…


NARRATOR: …and another!


NARRATOR: And inside each and every shell was a pearl: a bright, glistening gift from the all-powerful Queen of the South Sea.

Well, as you can probably guess, never again did the farmer and his daughter have to scratch and scrape to get by. With their newfound treasure they were able to get back on their feet and share their good fortune with others. Because the two of them weren’t just rich in wealth… they were rich in generosity, too.

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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Genshin Impact 3.5 TCG update: Eula, Kokomi, Sara, and other card details - Sportskeeda

Genshin Impact 3.5 will introduce eight new cards for Genius Invokation TCG, including Eula, Kokomi, and Kujou Sara. Each of these has its own Talent Card. That means the final two new items aren't connected to these three characters.

HoYoverse has already unveiled what each new addition to Genius Invokation TCG would do. This article will summarize everything for players who aren't caught up with the latest news yet. All eight new cards will be available in Genshin Impact 3.5, although the game's creators are yet to reveal how one can get them.

New cards Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact 3.5: Details about Eula, Kokomi, Kujou Sara, and more

The eight new cards that will debut in Genshin Impact 3.5's Genius Invokation TCG are:

  • General's Ancient Helm
  • Ornate Kabuto
  • Eula
  • Wellspring of War-Lust
  • Kujou Sara
  • Sin of Pride
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi
  • Tamanooya's Casket

Here is the description of General's Ancient Helm's effect:

"When Action Phase begins: The character to which this is attached gains Unmovable Mountain that provides 2 Shield points."

By comparison, here is what Ornate Kabuto does, as per the card's description:

"After another character of yours uses an Elemental Burst: The character to which this is attached gains 1 Energy."

Both General's Ancient Helm and Ornate Kabuto count as Equipment Cards. The former requires two matching dice, whereas the only requires two unaligned dice.


The first new Character Card (Image via HoYoverse)
The first new Character Card (Image via HoYoverse)

This is what has been revealed about Eula's kit in Genshin Impact 3.5's Genius Invokation TCG:

  • Normal Attack Cost: One Cryo die + Two unaligned dice
  • Normal Attack Effect: Deals two Physical DMG.
  • Elemental Skill Cost: Three Cryo Dice
  • Elemental Skill Effect: Deals two Cryo DMG and grants the user Grimheart if they don't already have it.
  • Grimheart: Eula's Elemental Skill removes this buff and does +2 DMG.
  • Elemental Burst Cost: Three Cryo Energy + Two Energy
  • Elemental Burst Effect: Deals two Cryo DMG and summons a Lightfall Sword.
  • Lightfall Sword: The user's Normal Attacks and Elemental Skill will give this card two Zeal Stacks at the cost of Eula not getting any Energy. Discard this item in the end phase to deal two Physical DMG, with each Zeal stack adding an extra one DMG.

Wellspring of War-Lust's effect in Genius Invokation TCG has been described as:

"After Eula equips this card, immediately use Glacial Illumination once. After your Eula, who has this card equipped, uses Icetide Vortex, this will generate 1 more Zeal for Lightfall Sword."

This card costs three Cryo dice and two Energy to use in Genshin Impact 3.5's Genius Invokation TCG.

Kujou Sara

The second new Character Card (Image via HoYoverse)
The second new Character Card (Image via HoYoverse)

The following is a summary of Kujou Sara's kit in Genshin Impact 3.5's Genius Invokation TCG:

  • Normal Attack Cost: One Electro die + Two unaligned dice
  • Normal Attack Effect: Deals two Physical DMG.
  • Elemental Skill Cost: Three Electro dice
  • Elemental Skill Effect: Does one Electro DMG and summons Tengu Juurai: Ambush.
  • Tengu Juurai: Ambush: Deals one Electro DMG at the end phase and gives Crowfeather Cover to an ally.
  • Crowfeather Cover: The buffed character does one extra damage whilst using their Elemental Skill and Burst. This can be used up to two times.
  • Elemental Burst Cost: Four Electro dice + Two Energy
  • Elemental Burst Effect: Deals one Electro DMG and summons Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster.
  • Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster: Does two Electro DMG at the end phase and gives an ally Crowfeather Cover. This has two uses.

According to the official description, this entity's Talent Card has the following effect in Genshin Impact 3.5:

"After Kujou Sara equips this card, immediately use Subjugation: Koukou Sendou once. If a friendly Electro character has Crowfeather Cover attached, their Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst deal +1 additional DMG."

This card costs four Electro dice and two Energy to use.

Sangonomiya Kokomi

The third new Character Card (Image via HoYoverse)
The third new Character Card (Image via HoYoverse)

Finally, Sangonomiya Kokomi's kit in the TCG is as follows:

  • Normal Attack Cost: One Hydro die + Two unaligned dice
  • Normal Attack Effect: Does one Hydro DMG.
  • Elemental Skill Cost: Three Hydro dice
  • Elemental Skill Effect: The user gets Hydro Application and summons a Bake-Kurage.
  • Bake-Kurage: Deals one Hydro DMG and heals the active character for one HP.
  • Elemental Burst Cost: Three Hydro dice and two Energy
  • Elemental Burst Effect: Does three Hydro DMG and gives the user Ceremonial Garment.
  • Ceremonial Garment: Makes the user deal one extra DMG for their Normal Attacks. Their Normal Attacks heal one HP for all allies. This effect lasts for two rounds.

Her Talent Card, Tamanooya's Casket, has an effect in Genshin Impact 3.5 that has been described as:

"After Sangonomiya Kokomi equips this card, immediately use Nereid's Ascension once. When your Sangonomiya Kokomi, who has this card equipped, uses Nereid's Ascension: If Bake-Kurage is on the field, its Usage(s) will be refreshed. While Ceremonial Garment exists, Bake-Kurage deals +1 DMG."

Travelers must use three Hydro dice and two Energy to use that Talent Card. That's the end of this official Genshin Impact 3.5 news regarding the new Genius Invokation TCG cards. It is worth mentioning that all Talent Cards here require their respective Character Cards to be used.

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh

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Article From & Read More ( Genshin Impact 3.5 TCG update: Eula, Kokomi, Sara, and other card details - Sportskeeda )

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The woman whose stolen images were used to scam men out of thousands - BBC

Love Janessa super

For over a decade, stolen images of a former adult star have been used to scam victims out of thousands of dollars. How does it feel to be the unwitting face of so many romance scams?

This article contains spoilers.

Almost every day, Vanessa gets messages from men who believe they are in a relationship with her - some even think she's their wife. They are angry, confused and some want their money back - which they say they sent her to pay for daily expenses, hospital bills, or to help relatives.

But it is all a lie. Vanessa doesn't know these men. Instead, her pictures and videos - lifted from her past life in adult entertainment - have been used as the bait in online romance scams dating back to the mid-2000s. Victims had money extorted through fake online profiles using Vanessa's name or likeness, in a type of romance scam called catfishing.

The flood of messages containing tales of lost money and ruined lives have taken their toll.

"I started becoming depressed, and blaming myself - maybe if my pictures weren't out there, these men wouldn't be getting scammed," Vanessa says - we're not using her surname to protect her full identity.

For about eight years, Vanessa worked as a "camgirl" - streaming explicit material live on the internet via webcam. Because she was a bit shy when she started out, she decided to create an alter ego called Janessa Brazil. "It's not really me, it's Janessa, so I won't be ashamed," she thought.

She picked the surname Brazil not only because it's where she was born, but also because it's one of the most popular search terms on the internet. It was a savvy decision. "I hate that name," she says now. "But it helped me get popular quickly."

Love, Janessa banner

Behind every catfish, there's the bait. Listen to Love, Janessa from the BBC World Service and CBC Podcasts.

Short presentational grey line

For a while, things were great. Vanessa enjoyed the relationship with her fans, who would pay up to $20 (£17) per minute to watch and interact with her. "I want to please them. I want to have fun with them. And they get hooked," she says.

At the peak of her career, she says she was earning about a million US dollars a year. Janessa had her own website, a successful brand and a vibrant online presence. But in 2016 her online profile went dark.

It took us nine months to find her for the podcast Love, Janessa. When we finally spoke to Vanessa in her modest apartment on the US east coast, she told us that part of the reason she quit making online content was to try to stop the scammers. "I no longer want to give them the power to use anything of mine ever again," she says.

Vanessa first became aware scammers were pretending to be her when a man posted in the chat during a live show, adamant that he was her husband and she had promised him that she'd stop camming. She thought it was a prank, but asked him to email her.

More victims came forward with similar stories, posting comments during her shows, and asking her to prove her identity. Scammers also popped up with weird requests for her - like putting on a red hat - images they then used to trick victims.

The constant comments, emails and tense atmosphere began to affect her business. "It was a nightmare," says Vanessa. "But I felt bad for these guys. What am I supposed to do?"

At first she tried to respond to every email, which took hours each day. She says her then husband, who was also her manager, also started monitoring the messages. He told scam victims that he and Vanessa were not liable for the money the men had lost.

"If I got all the money that these guys sent all these scammers, I would be a billionaire today, not sitting here in my little apartment," she says.

Janessas currency

Vanessa thinks it's in many men's nature to want to take care of women, which explains why they send money to someone they haven't met.

"Even if they don't have the money, they're still willing to give it, just to feel loved," she says.

Roberto Marini, an Italian in his early 30s, was hooked by a fake Janessa. It began with a message on Facebook from a striking young woman calling herself Hannah, who complimented him on his start-up business - a sustainable farm on the island of Sardinia.

After three months of exchanging pictures and loving messages, she began to ask for money. It was for little things at first, like a broken phone, but soon she needed more. She told him she had a tough life - when she wasn't looking after sick relatives she had to make a living in adult entertainment.

Roberto wanted to save her, feeling a "father-ish energy" towards her. But he was frustrated that they could never seem to speak in person - every time they arranged a call, her phone would break or something else would come up.

Then he discovered thousands of pictures and videos of Hannah online - except they were of adult entertainment star Janessa Brazil - and many were more explicit than the ones Hannah had ever sent him.

Their love felt real, so he wondered whether she did not want to reveal her true identity in case it complicated their relationship.

Confused, Roberto joined one of Janessa Brazil's live online shows. "Is it really you?" he typed into the chat. He didn't get the answers he wanted, and he was paying by the minute so didn't stay long.

In his quest to find out the truth, Roberto also emailed her, along with many other people he thought might be the real Janessa. During our interview with her, Vanessa looked back at her inbox and found a message from him amongst thousands of emails.

"Hi. I have the need to talk with the real Janessa Brazil," he had written in 2016. She had replied an hour later, "I am the real Janessa Brazil."

He asked her a few more questions trying to find out if they had spoken before. This email exchange was the first and only contact they'd ever had.

But that was not the end. Roberto remained ensnared by scammers. He says he sent them a total of $250,000 (£207,500) over four years, draining his savings and borrowing money from friends and family, as well as taking out loans.

We found Roberto through his online posts warning others that fake accounts were conning people using Janessa's stolen images. But, even after everything that had happened to him, part of him still believed he had a deep connection with the real Janessa.

That is the sign of a successful scam, says Dr Aunshul Rege, a criminal justice expert from Philadelphia who has studied online romance scams.

She says messages are often sent by criminal networks working in teams to groom victims, sharing images and information. She has even found an example of the manuals they use - practical how-to guides that also list excuses to avoid a phone call which might expose them.

The scams follow a pattern - love bombing, threats of a break-up and then requests for financial help, supposedly to allow the couple to finally be together. The tactics are so formulaic as to be chillingly familiar to anyone who has been at the receiving end, but they work.

"As human beings we are wired to help each other out. That's just how we're built," Dr Rege says.

Vanessa says she hates these cruel tactics. "They show love and then take it away. The guys get desperate and they're willing to do anything to get it back," she says.

Dr Rege thinks it's likely Roberto's scam was run by an organised group. She says there are huge networks that operate around the world, with substantial numbers originating from Turkey, China, UAE, UK, Nigeria and Ghana.

One of the places Roberto was asked to send money was Ghana, home to a group of online scammers called the Sakawa Boys. We tracked some of them down in Accra. "Ofa", a softly-spoken young man, told us that impersonating people online is time-consuming and involves a lot of administration - if only to keep track of the lies. He admitted the work made him "feel bad", but that he had made over $50,000 (£41,500).

Janessa x 2

When shown images of Janessa, Ofa said he had not used them himself, but understood why they would be a favourite among scammers. He also said that for a scam to work, he would need a variety of pictures showing the women in everyday situations - like cooking or at the gym.

Vanessa thinks her pictures have been used partly because she shared so many candid moments from her daily life. "I put myself out there completely, so they had a lot to work with," she says.

But she draws a clear line between her professional alter ego and her real self. "Vanessa has panic attacks. Janessa doesn't," she says.

Eventually the unstoppable tide of scam victims grew into "a monster" that traumatised Vanessa.

Having to perform every day on camera began to affect her mental health and her marriage. Exhausted, Vanessa told us she started drinking before her shows. She says she hates watching videos from that time because she can see her own unhappiness.

By 2016, she says she couldn't take it any longer and decided to quit. She says she packed her car, left her home and husband, and drove off to a new life. Now she is training as a therapist, and writing a memoir - taking back control of her own story.

Vanessa has never gone to the authorities to report scammers using her image. She doesn't think they would take her complaints seriously. "They're going to look at me like, 'You're a porn star' and laugh at my face," she says.

Over the years since, she has become more resilient. She knows scammers may never stop pretending to be her, but she understands why some victims get caught in the trap.

"When it comes to love, we can be so dumb," she says. "I know, I've been there. It's like, 'Damn! I'm smarter than this!' So it happens to all of us."

Reporting by Hannah Ajala, Laura Regehr, Katrina Onstad and Simona Rata

Art work by Jenny Law

Listen to Love, Janessa here

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Global contestants from 'Boys Planet' that already made their debut - allkpop

'Boys Planet' is an ongoing boy group reality survival show produced by Mnet to form a global K-pop boy group. The show is a male version of 'Girls Planet 999,' the survival program that formed the girl group Kep1er.

The survival show features 93 male trainees in total as contestants. The trainees are split into two groups: the K-Group for candidates from Korea and the G-Group for contestants worldwide. Some of the participants have already made their debut in the industry. Let's take a look at the already debuted global contestants from the show.


Terazono Keita is a Japanese rapper and songwriter who is a member of the K-pop boy group CIIPHER under the management of Rain Company. The group debuted on March 15, 2021, with the debut mini album “I Like You.” He is competing on “Boys Planet” as a G-Group contestant. Keita also participated in the survival show “YG Treasure Box.”

Krystian Wang

Krystian Wang is an inactive member of NOW UNITED, a well-known global pop group under XIX Entertainment. He made his group debut in 2018 and his solo debut in January 2022 with the EP "Krystian." This Chinese singer-songwriter, dancer, and model was revealed as a "Boys Planet" contestant in December last year.

Wang Yan Hong

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Yang Jun

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Xuan Hao

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Winnie, a Thai participant on "Boys Planet," is a member of the South Korean boy band NINE.i managed by FirstOne Entertainment. On March 30, 2022, this rapper and songwriter made his debut with the group with their first mini album, "New World."

Jay Chang

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Feng Jun Lan

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Okano Kei is a Japanese contestant on "Boys Planet." He is a member of EBiDAN's dance and vocal unit, EDAMAME BEANS, and made his group debut on May 13, 2020. This Japanese group was formed under the “EBiDAN THE STREET” project in 2016.


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Fans of K-pop are ready to follow the journey of the survival show "Boys Planet." Of the competitors, who do you like the most?

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Jeongyeon displays her impressive weight loss for TWICE's comeback - allkpop

Korean netizens are impressed with TWICE's teaser photos for their comeback with 'Ready to Be,' especially with Jeongyeon's weight loss.

TWICE's Jeongyeon displayed a drastic appearance change in the past few years and has consistently garnered attention over her weight. In the past, her sudden weight changes following moments of hiatus due to her neck pain as well as due to panic and anxiety issues have already periodically worried fans.

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Article From & Read More ( Jeongyeon displays her impressive weight loss for TWICE's comeback - allkpop )

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Friday, February 17, 2023

NCT 127 releases three new '2 Baddies' remixes - The Music Universe.

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K-Pop phenomenon NCT 127 have shared “iScreaM Vol 21 : 질주 (2 Baddies) Remixes” featuring three different newly imagined tracks of the group’s popular song. The project features new versions from acclaimed producers No Identity, Viann and Biicla. “질주 (2 Baddies)” originally released this past September on their fourth album of the same name, which debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard 200, making the group only the second K-Pop artist in history to land three albums in the Top 5.

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