The second trailer of Vin Diesel’s Fast X dropped recently ahead of the film’s release in May. The movie is the first part of the two-part conclusion of the Fast and Furious franchise. This time, Jason Momoa is the main villain who threatens Diesel’s Dominic Toretto’s way of life.
Much like the first trailer, this one too showcases some over-the-top action set pieces. Momoa’s Dante is planning to blow up the Vatican City and wants revenge against Dominic for his father’s death. He is the son of Fast Five’s Hernan Reyes.
Watch the new trailer of Fast X here:
Directed by Louis Leterrier, the film also stars franchise veterans Michelle Rodriguez, John Cena, Jason Statham, Helen Mirren, among others. Charlize Theorn, Brie Larson have joined the cast.
Fast X saw a few delays as Justin Lin, who had directed the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth films, left the tenth film midway. The Hollywood Reporter reported that the director had some disagreements with Vin Diesel which led to him leaving the project. “Justin finally had enough and said, ‘This movie is not worth my mental health,’” the report quoted a source. But Universal said that the disagreements had nothing to do with Diesel. A part of Universal’s statement read, “Any creative differences leading to Justin Lin’s exit were with the studio, not with fellow producers, cast or crew.”
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